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Einfaches Software-Tool zur Erstellung eines Nachhaltigkeitsberichts und Überwachung der eigenen Lieferkette

For companies that want to become ESG ready but don't know where and how to start.
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Get your first ESG report in just 3 steps

keyboard with two hands
Enter your company data
Here you enter general company information or simply select it based on predefined information, such as legal form, industry, number of employees, revenue, etc.
process diagramm
Go through an automated process
Danach durchlaufen Sie in 8 Schritten einen automatisierten Prozess, den wir “Sprint” nennen. Diese Schritte bauen aufeinander auf und führen zu Ihrem ersten Nachhaltigkeitsansatz und Nachhaltigkeitsbericht.
report sheet
Download your ESG report
Here you will receive all the data collected in the previous steps in the form of an initial ESG report.

Mit wenigen Klicks die eigene Lieferkette überprüfen

keyboard with two hands
Geben Sie die Unternehmensdaten Ihrer Zulieferer ein (Name, Sitz und Homepage).
process diagramm
Weltweit werden Nachrichten von international anerkannten Anbietern in Bezug auf ESG (Umwelt, Soziales und Unternehmensführung) gescannt.
report sheet
Monatlichen Report
Sollten negative Nachrichten im Zusammenhang mit Ihren Zulieferern vorliegen, werden diese in die Reports übernommen. So erhalten Sie einen ersten Überblick über Ihre Lieferkette und können möglichen Risiken entgegenwirken.

Who is ESGendium intended for?

For small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) that:
Have little or no knowledge of sustainability or ESG
Want to become more sustainable as quickly and cost-effectively as possible without expensive sustainability experts

Understand the complex ESG criteria (environmental, social, governance) and want to implement them easily
Must provide initial ESG information to their stakeholders such as banks, insurers, large corporate clients or investors

Fear risks due to a lack of sustainability information and want to reduce that that risk

Want to take advantage of potential opportunities to become more sustainable and competitive in the market by making the company more sustainable

Want to communicate that they are more sustainable as part of marketing and PR strategy

What is ESGendium's value add?

ESGendium saves 90% of work, time and costs

Without ESGendium

Internal or external sustainability/ESG experts required

ESG setup including an ESG report in 2 - 4 months

  • No rapid response to ESG related stakeholder inquiries e.g. from banks or major customers
  • Lengthy ESG risk analysis

Kosten für ersten Ansatz 10.000 bis 20.000 €

Ongoing costs

For example, costs for ESG software or internal or external sustainability experts

With ESGendium

Without internal or external sustainability/ESG experts

No prior ESG knowledge required

Initial ESG setup including a basic ESG report in just 2-3 hours

  • Quick response to ESG-related stakeholder inquiries
  • Immediate analysis of ESG opportunities and risks

Komplettes Jahresabonnement für nur 1.490€ enthalten

Keine weiteren laufenden Kosten

Software-based and automated management of ESG data

Sustainable SMEs are also in the interest of stakeholders

Immer mehr Stakeholder möchten ihren Firmenkunden oder Mitgliedern beim Nachhaltiger werden unterstützen
Private Equity
Chambers of Commerce and Trades
Commerce of Crafts

How does ESGendium work? 

Simple and easy to understand
ESG Sprint
ESG Management
ESG Marathon
Coming soon

The ESG Sprint is an automated process that enables companies to set up an initial sustainability approach in around 2 hours - without any prior knowledge or internal or external sustainability consultants. This sustainability approach is basically a solid foundation that every company needs in order to become holistically sustainable. The sprint helps companies to recognize and implement the following things:

  • The key sustainability and ESG issues for your company 
  • Your relevant stakeholders 
  • Your ESG opportunities & risks 
  • Initial ESG targets and KPIs 
  • A holistic ESG strategy 
  • An initial ESG report 
important topics display in web app

In the "ESG Management" module, the sustainability data recorded in the "ESG Sprint" for the individual steps can be viewed again separately and continuously updated if there are any significant changes in the company, such as a change in the number of employees, new locations, taking out a loan or similar. A new ESG report can then be downloaded in no time at all and made available to stakeholders at any time on request.

In addition, ESGendium informs users of important regulatory changes that may affect companies. This makes internal or external sustainability consultants superfluous or takes a lot of work off their hands. 

dashboard in web app

Now that an initial ESG setup has been created with the "ESG Sprint", the ESG Marathon builds on top of it. It allows to enter comprehensive ESG data and conduct an actual stakeholder survey. 

The purpose of the ESG Marathon is to go into the depths of ESG and to concretize one's own ESG data.

In contrast to the ESG Sprint, the ESG Marathon is, as the name suggests, a continuous and strategic process that leads companies towards a more sustainable orientation. The ESG Marathon also serves as a springboard for the implementation of national or international frameworks, standards or regulations (which, however, are not relevant for most SMEs), such as:

Hier Inhalt für Lieferkettenüberwachung einfügen.
Another Tab Contents

Potential risks for companies that do not have an ESG setup

Loss of major business customers or partners
Poorer credit conditions from banks or no prolongation of loan
Higher insurance rates

Less attractive to potential employees
Negative external impact and reputational damage
Risks due to lack of ESG checks of suppliers
Loss of corporate and retail customers due to increasing competitive pressure

How do enterprises become more sustainable?

How not to do it
Small and medium-sized companies often do not know where and how to deal with the complex topic of "becoming more sustainable" or "ESG". This often leads to them either do nothing at all or postpone "becoming more sustainable" as far as possible because they are supposedly not yet affected by the regulations.

Others take a very actionist and unstructured approach, e.g. by defining superficial behavioral and environmental guidelines, joining initiatives or developing individual, industry-specific certificates, but not covering the full range of ESG.

Once the foundation has been laid incorrectly, it is difficult for companies to start the whole thing all over again afterwards. At the latest when the bank or another stakeholder asks for a structured ESG approach, the companies have to get it right again.
How to do it
For small and medium-sized companies in particular, it is important to address the issue of sustainability and implementation of the ESG criteria in a structured manner. As a result, they are "Becoming more sustainable" while saving time and money.

ESGendium is therefore structured in such a way that our solution enables companies to take an initial rapid approach to sustainability without the need for prior knowledge of ESG criteria or the need for internal/external sustainability experts.

With the help of the "ESG Sprint", companies initially receive a solid and structured sustainability basis that they can implement in their corporate strategy. Once the foundation has been laid, further sustainability development is deepened and continuously continued with the help of the "ESG Marathon".

This structured approach is also implemented in practice by specialist sustainability consultants. As a small or medium-sized company, you are therefore well prepared for both regulatory requirements and inquiries from various stakeholders.

Kleiner Preis. Einfacher Einstieg. Großer Nutzen.

How to get started: Get started with the free trial version first. If you like it, you can then switch to the full version.

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Der Prozess ist bereits vorausgefüllt
In 15 Minuten die komplette Software testen
View example ESG report
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per year
Annual billing. Can be canceled annually.


Determine all material sustainability topics
Eigene Lieferkette überprüfen
Select relevant stakeholders
Eigene ESG-Chancen und Risiken erkennen
Define and optimize your own ESG goals, KPIs and strategy
Weitere Features, wie der “ESG Marathon”. Dieser und weitere Funktionen, werden aktuell noch entwickelt und ab voraussichtlich H2/2024 sukzessive freigegeben. Erst mit Erneuerung des Jahresabo werden die Aufpreise für die zusätzlichen Funktionen wie dem ESG Marathon aufgerufen.
Start now
Alle Preise zzgl. MwSt.
Aktuell kann jedem Unternehmen ein Zugang zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Die Möglichkeit mehrerer Zugänge für weitere Nutzer ist in Entwicklung und voraussichtlich ab H2/2024 verfügbar sein.

Our Team

picture of founder
Wali Manan
Co-Founder & Business Development
Erik Garstka
Michael Busse
Co-Founder & Product
Jakob Riga

Our Advisory Board

Prof. Dr. Ulf Moslener
Professor for Sustainable Energy Finance
Frankfurt School of Finance
Prof. Dr. Klaus-Michael Ahrend
HEAG Holding AG
Britta Lindhorst
Head of European Investment
HQ Capital
Henrik Jondell
Finoa Digital Asset Custodian

Frequently Asked Questions

We have compiled answers to some of the most frequently asked questions here. If you cannot find what you are looking for, you can contact us directly at any time.
1. What exactly do you get with ESGendium? What value add does it offer to companies?
With the "ESG Sprint" module, ESGendium offers companies an automated process that is also used in practice by sustainability consultants. It helps companies to obtain an initial, general but very structured approach to sustainability and to better understand and correctly implement the topic of ESG in the context of their own company.
2. How do you get started with ESGendium?
Companies can sign-up and create their own company account. Once the account has been created, users are taken to an intro screen that briefly explains how ESGendium is used. The ESG Sprint can then be started directly, which leads to the ESG report.
3. How long does the entire process take to produce a sustainability report?
Once you have registered, you can start the ESG Sprint straight away. This then takes approx. 2-3 hours if you do it all at once. However, this does not necessarily have to be the case. You can start with the ESG Sprint and continue where you left off at any time. The data is automatically saved at the last status and after logging in again, the process can be continued from where you last left off. By way of comparison, experience shows that a similar sustainability approach and first sustainability report takes around 2-3 months with a sustainability consultant.
4. What happens after you have gone through the ESG Sprint and have your sustainability report?
Dann sagen wir Gratulation! Denn mit solch einem strukturierten Nachhaltigkeitsbericht hat man schon einen ersten (aber großen) Schritt in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit getan. Genau wie mit einem persönlichen Nachhaltigkeitsberater, gibt auch der ESG Sprint den Unternehmen erste ESG-Ziele, ESG-KPIs und erste Handlungsempfehlungen, die die Unternehmen nun auf dem Schirm haben und darauf hinarbeiten können. Damit haben die Unternehmen zunächst einmal einiges zu tun. Parallel gilt es, nennenswerte Änderungen wie bspw. eine neue Anzahl an Mitarbeitern, Eröffnung/Schließung neuer Standorte, Änderung der Rechtsform o.ä. im ESG Sprint neu aufzunehmen, da sich dadurch ggf. einzelne wesentliche Themen, ein paar ESG-Ziele, KPIs oder Teile der Strategie ändern.

Im Verlauf von H2/2024 wird das Modul “ESG Marathon” sukzessive entwickelt und zur Nutzung bereitgestellt. Der ESG Marathon geht dann tiefer in die einzelnen ESG Bereiche, wo konkrete Daten wie CO2-Werte u.ä. abgefragt werden. Der ESG Marathon geht über die rein informelle Basis hinaus und bedarf konkreterer Angaben, die die Unternehmen messen und optimieren können.
5. Is ESGendium sufficient as a pure software solution for companies that want to become more sustainable? Or do SMEs need an internal or external sustainability/ESG expert after all?
ESGendium is specifically designed for 2 types of small and medium-sized enterprises:1.) For SMEs that have little or no prior knowledge of sustainability and are looking for a solution that helps them become more sustainable in a simple and easy-to-understand way.2.) For SMEs that have undertaken initial activities in the area of sustainability but do not have a structured sustainability approach.ESGendium is absolutely sufficient for these 2 types of SMEs because it takes into account precisely those aspects of ESG-compliant alignment that stakeholders expect from small and medium-sized enterprises. ESGendium largely replaces or supplements the personal sustainability advisor and is basically a digital advisor that goes through exactly the same steps with the companies that a personal ESG advisor would go through with them. The difference is that ESGendium does it digitally and automatically, which speeds up the entire process and saves companies a lot of time and money.
6. Are industry-specific certificates or seals of approval sufficient as proof of sustainability?
No, they are not. It is important to stakeholders that companies understand sustainability in its entirety and integrate it into their overall corporate strategy, i.e. that they pursue a holistic and structured approach to sustainability. This requires companies to be aware of their material sustainability issues, their stakeholders, their ESG opportunities and risks, etc. It is not enough to cover only individual sub-areas of ESG such as greenhouse gas emissions, supply chain or similar.
7. How does ESGendium compare with the alternatives?
Mit einem Preis von 1.490 Euro pro Jahr, ist ESGendium im Vergleich zu persönlichen Nachhaltigkeitsberatern über 90% günstiger. So rufen Nachhaltigkeitsexperten üblicherweise 1.000 - 1.800 Euro am Tag auf. Da die Erarbeitung eines strukturierten Nachhaltigkeitsansatzes normalerweise mehrere Wochen in Anspruch nimmt, summieren sich hier die Kosten enorm. Auf Dauer somit keine Lösung für kleine und mittelständische Unternehmen.
Dabei können dank digitaler Prozesse viele komplexe Logiken automatisiert werden, was wiederum zu hohen Zeit- und Kostenersparnissen führt. Die Digitalisierung komplexer Prozesse ist nicht neu. So gibt es bereits zahlreiche Software-Lösungen, die unerfahrenen Nutzern bei einer komplexen Thematik helfen, z.B. bei der Buchhaltung oder der Abgabe einer Steuererklärung.
8. What payment options are there and what are the termination options?
Payment can be made by normal bank transfer, or credit card. The payment is yaerly and can be canceled at the end of the annual plan.

Why is it so important for society that small and medium-sized enterprises become more sustainable?
99% of all companies are SMEs, such as craft businesses, service providers, consulting companies, manufacturing companies, trading companies, etc.. And they account for around 60% of the economic output of all companies. This means that social goals such as stopping climate change, preserving biodiversity or improving the human rights situation at suppliers in emerging countries can only be achieved with the help of small and medium-sized enterprises. Both stakeholders and politicians have recognized this. And that is why, after large corporations and larger companies were the first to experience strong sustainability regulation, the focus is now shifting to small and medium- sized enterprises. It is therefore no longer an option for small companies to postpone the start of their own sustainability journey any longer.
Do small and medium-sized companies absolutely have to become sustainable or implement the ESG criteria?
This depends on various factors such as the number of employees, turnover or balance sheet size. In addition to regulatory requirements, various stakeholders such as banks, insurers, major business customers, investors and even the company's own employees are increasingly demanding that companies adopt a credible, more sustainable approach. In order to meet these demands, but also in their own interests (such as avoiding reputational damage or taking advantage of new market opportunities), it also makes sense for small and medium-sized companies to start "becoming more sustainable" as early as possible and to develop a structured ESG approach. Failing to do this or delaying it as much as possible can lead to enormous problems if one of the stakeholders (unexpectedly) asks about the company's sustainability status. In future, banks will also grant loans based on the scope and quality of ESG data. It will then make a significant difference, especially for SMEs, whether they pay 0.2% higher interest over 10 or 15 years or not. The same applies to insurance companies and insurance premiums or the awarding of contracts by large companies that pay attention to the assessment of rating agencies in the area of sustainability (e.g. assessment by EcoVadis).
ESGendium © 2024